The 10 cat commandments

Now, as a cat, and ruler of all you deem necessary, it is not fitting for a feline to follow rules. However, these commandments will put you in good stead for fulfilling a satisfying and dominant life whilst keeping our health and well-being intact.

The 10 cat commandments founded and signed
by Arthur on 21/11/2012

  1. Thou shalt always get a minimum amount of 16 hours sleep per day.
  2. Thou shalt only accept the best quality of food from your pet.
  3. Thou shalt make sure you play, bounce and run around as much as possible in order to stay fit.
  4. Thou shalt never forgot who is boss.
  5. Thou shalt make sure you show your pet some love and attention to keep them a soppy mess.
  6. Thou shalt always demand fresh meats and other hu-man foods when available.
  7. Thou shalt respect another feline's property if forced upon it.
  8. Thou shalt asert your dominance if another feline intrudes upon your property
  9. Thou shalt chase, attack and pounce upon anything that moves.
  10. Thou shalt keep yourself clean and groom yourself to perfection.

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