Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Tip 101. Keeping your hu-man up at night.

It has long been known by cats that hu-mans are particularly difficult to train. They are stubborn, lazy and extremely stupid. . . You would think that considering this animal is much larger than us that it would have a larger brain. . . but if they were smart then surely they should know instinctively that food should always be down ready for my consumption, that wake-up time is 6am when I am full of energy and ready to play and that the litter tray must always be cleaned the second I am finished with it.
When they wake in the morning, make sure you are in a
cute position like this. Then all will be forgiven. Mwahaha

However, it seems that despite their large exteriors they have very little going for them on the inside. So, this is why we must train them. It can be a very slow and tiresome project and does not always go smoothly and to plan. . . In fact, sometimes you may even have to punish your hu-man to make sure they realise who is boss. . . even if they do not KNOW that they are realising this. . . They have to think they are in control whilst really you are putting your own little collar and leash on them. . . It is a very delicate mission to complete. . . but a necessary one.

Now. . . How do you go about punishing your hu-man? 

There are many ways to lay down the law, all of which shall eventually be covered in this blog. But for now, we will stick to the age old method of sleep deprivation.

It can be a very tiresome job for our chosen hu-man to look after us to the best of their ability, especially if they are doing the job correctly- although it would be much easier for them if they focused all their time and attention on us rather than staring at that big flashing, noisy box on the other side of the room- which means that they need a lot of sleep. After all  we would not want them falling asleep half way through cleaning our litter tray now would we. . . I imagine that cannot be a very nice experience for either one of us. . .

This is why that sleep deprivation should only be used when absolutely necessary and not used for more than two or three nights in a row. . . even though it is extremely fun for us.

There are many ways in which to keep your hu-man up at night, and any combination of tricks will prove effective. But it is up to you as supreme leader of your own household to pick which one will cause the most distress to your hu-man:

  • Wait for them to be completely settled down and comfortable. . . then find a place on their chest, back or shoulders that is comfortable and secure for you. Then sit there with your head tilted to one side and stare at them. . . just sit there staring. . . and occasionally use one- or even both- of your paws and smack them on the back of the head.
  • Find a surface that is higher up than the bed, make sure that it is not too slippery so as to avoid personal injury and then sit there and wait for the opportune moment. When you are ready, get down in to the correct position and pounce on to any part of their body. Hint: The head and stomach have proven to be the most effective by fellow felines.
  • Go crazy for hours on end, running around the room, attacking anything that moves or makes a noise, jumping from object to object, knock things over and off of shelves- generally make as much noise as possible.
  • Sit on top of the blankets near the end of the bed and chase and pounce on their feet whenever they move them. This is very distracting for them meaning they cannot sleep but also has the cuteness factor meaning you are less likely to be punished.
  • If, however, you do not want or require the cuteness factor, or simply want to punish your hu-man to the maximum capacity then find an opening in the blanket near the foot of the bed. Crawl your way in and then start gently batting at their feet with your paws. . . they will think that you are being slightly annoying but also extremely cute. . . then when they are getting used to this gentle play and are drifting off in to a deep sleep. . . Pounce, wrap your front paws around their feet, dig in the claws and bite the big toe!
  • Sit anywhere in the room (but far enough away that they can not swipe at you or throw anything at you with ease) and meow and yowl your way through the night. This will initially send them in to a panic as they will believe that we are in trouble or hurt but it will eventually dawn on them that nothing is wrong and we are simply being a nuisance.
These are just a small amount of the ways that you can keep your naughty hu-man up at night. Many more ways can be thought of and invented. Just sit there and think and eventually you will think of or find something that is sure to keep any hu-man up, pulling out their hair and begging for a decent nights sleep.

When carrying out this punishment there is always the risk of being picked up by the scruff of the neck and thrown out of the room- with the hu-man then closing the door behind us. Meaning that we can no longer keep them awake. This is a very annoying trick that they have discovered as they are after all much bigger and stronger than us. But dealing with this eventuality will be covered in the next post. . .


  1. Haha that's hilarious!
    'this will initially send them in to a panic as they will believe that we are in trouble or hurt but it will eventually dawn on them that nothing is wrong and we are simply being a nuisance.'

    This reminds me of princess ALOT! Lol xxx

  2. Haha that's brilliant !

    really reminds me of my cat

  3. This is brilliant! Well done Arthur for giving you the inspiration ;)
    Muggles never played with her toys in Adam's flat when she was little, and yet as soon as the lights were turned off she would find the ball and chase it around the flat until she lost it down the stairs with an almighty clang and then sit and meow until one of us got out and found her the ball again! I can imagine the next post will be like 'when you find yourself locked out, those things called claws come in handy on the door!"
