Thursday, 27 December 2012

Tip 104. Best Beds

Once you have the knack for sleeping in a position where humans will not have the heart (or the balls) to move you then you can start looking at your ideal sleeping locations.

You now know how to get away with sleeping wherever you want. . . but the question is. . . where do you choose to sleep?

A suitable and comfortable bed can be found in any range of areas. . . they can be big, small, hard, soft, furniture, pre-bought by your hu-man, indoors and even outdoors. . .

As a flat-cat I cannot experience the wonders or luxuries of an outdoor bed, however, I know of them from discussions with other outdoor-roaming felines. . .

This post will hi-light my favourite places to sleep in and around the home. . . however, if you prefer a more dedicated bed of your own then you can always convince your hu-man to buy one of your very own. . . many of these can be viewed in my shop which can suit all hu-man's budgets. . .

  • The first place that is perfect for an afternoon nap is the bed. The bed is very rarely occupied during the day, and if you act cute during the night then the hu-man's will quite often allow you to sleep with them. The mattress on the bed is normally the perfect texture and firmness for plodding, alongside the numerous blankets that are available to curl up under during the winter months.
  • The second place that you can catch a few zz's is the sofa. The sofa is normally situated in the warmest room in the house, due to the fact that hu-man's seem to spend the majority of their time in there. This can be one of the noisiest places to sleep due to our servants being fixated with the magical noisy box in the corner of the room however you can always be sure of company.
  • A more unusual place is on the printer. If you can mentally persuade your hu-man to place you a pillow on top of the machine then it will be even more comfortable. On top of this, if your hu-man should choose to use this mystical contraption whilst you are resting on it then you are in the perfect position to work out its intentions and to kill the foul beast with agile blows if necessary.
  • It is amazing how a hard surface can be extremely comfortable. Plus if you position yourself on somewhere such as a computer desk or work surface then you can inconvenience your hu-man. . . perfect for a douse of basic punishment.
  • Many felines in the past have dreaded and warned against the Carrier Box. . . it has been seen as a prison, in which hu-man's chuck you in and take you to strange places. . . you hear terrible rumours about these trips. . . needles, unknown animals. . . I even once heard a rumour that they take you to have your private parts sliced off and your head stuck in a cone. . . what nonsense!!. . . I have been in my box many a time and this has NEVER happened to me. . . Anyway, you may find it strange to discover that this is an extremely comfortable bed, it is one of my personal favourites, just arrange for a blanket to be placed in the bottom and drag a few toys in if necessary and it is very warm, cosy and protected. 
  • Finally, my last chosen sleeping place around the home is the wardrobe. This is a secret room either placed within a room, or hidden behind a sliding door. . . it is filled with lots of different furs for your hu-man to change in to. . . a very eerie and strange concept if you ask me. . . My hu-man annoyingly kept shutting the doors and jamming it so that I could not claw it open. . . however, once I kept them up for numerous nights with my incessant yowling and clawing they finally gave in and it is now never closed to me. This can be used to get away when you require a small amount of you time, as it is dark, crowded and the perfect place to find a small nook in to curl up.

Photographs of my favourite sleeping places can be found below in the order that they are mentioned above. (Except for the wardrobe as I am a ninja when I sleep in there and find the perfect hiding spot where I cannot be found or pestered with cameras)
And now, I am asking all of my readers to send me pictures of you (felines only) sleeping in their favourite places.

To do this simply "Like" my dedicated Facebook page. Here you can send me your images whilst keeping up to date with the behind the scenes running of the blog.

Any images that are sent will be posted on a separate page that is dedicated to my fans. Names of cat's and owners can be published alongside if requested.

How To Train Your Pet Hu-Man Facebook

The next post will contain the best and worst hu-man food to eat.